Author Archives: Egg Syntax

The Latest Victims of the Free-Speech Crisis

Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, the issue of free speech on college campuses has received a new wave of scrutiny. Palestinian student groups have faced threats of censorship for their statements, donors have warned about pulling funding, and employers have blacklisted students who blamed Israel for Hamas’s attack.

But as far as free speech is concerned, 2023 has been a relatively normal year for colleges and universities. Just don’t confuse “normal” with “good.”

Protecting free speech requires defending the rights of both sides of any conflict. That will only get harder if we ignore just how long colleges have been falling short. Today’s headlines can distract from the fact that campuses have been in crisis for the better part of a decade.

A Major Retrospective Celebrates Iris van Herpen’s Mesmerizing Designs at the Intersection of Art, Fashion, and Science

I’ve certainly posted about Iris van Herpen’s work on this blog before, though probably not in the past few years. It’s great to see her remarkable, sculptural fashion get a retrospective in paris.

“Dynamic tension, fluidity, delicacy, and complexity, as well as poetry and philosophy: these are the main elements of the dialogues she establishes between body and clothing, which allow her to convey a new, rich, enthusiastic perspective on the world to come,” writes curator Cloé Pitiot.

Overcoming Baumol

Interesting economic point, but mostly I just love the idea of claistered monks using advanced technology to build gothic cathedrals. Click through to the original post to see (extremely brief) video of what they’re working on.

One way to overcome the Baumol effect is to replace labor with capital. AI and robots are making that possible. Here’s a clip of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming who are building a monastery in the Gothic style using CNC machines:

On the Crushing of Independent Email

I haven’t quite given up yet, but it may very well happen at some point. Like the author, I’ve done everything you’re supposed to do, and a non-trivial percentage of emails from my domain still get rejected or go to spam. I’ve started sending from a gmail address when something really has to go through. I planned to make my own domain’s email address my permanent one, and it’s sad to think of that becoming impossible.

(to be clear, I’m facing a slightly easier problem than the author; my emails are being sent out from a bluehost email server, not a truly self-hosted one — and it’s still an absolute nightmare trying to keep emails going through.)

Many companies have been trying to disrupt email by making it proprietary. So far, they have failed. Email keeps being an open protocol. Hurray?

No hurray. Email is not distributed anymore. You just cannot create another first-class node of this network.

Email is now an oligopoly, a service gatekept by a few big companies which does not follow the principles of net neutrality.

I have been self-hosting my email since I got my first broadband connection at home in 1999. I absolutely loved having a personal web+email server at home, paid extra for a static IP and a real router so people could connect from the outside. I felt like a first-class citizen of the Internet and I learned so much.

Over time I realized that residential IP blocks were banned on most servers. I moved my email server to a VPS. No luck. I quickly understood that self-hosting email was a lost cause. Nevertheless, I have been fighting back out of pure spite, obstinacy, and activism. In other words, because it was the right thing to do.

But my emails are just not delivered anymore. I might as well not have an email server.

So, starting today, the MX records of my personal domain no longer point to the IP of my personal server. They now point to one of the Big Email Providers.

I lost. We lost. One cannot reliably deploy independent email servers.

Marc Andreessen and the e/acc crowd seem to have a blind, almost religious faith that technology will always make everything better, and that therefore (for example) rapid development of strong AI is bound to work out fine. In contrast to that, Vitalik Buterin here expresses a nuanced, cautious techno-optimism that recognizes that when technological advances make things better, it’s often because a lot of people have striven to make it work out well, not because it’s guaranteed. This is much closer to my own position. There’s no denying that technology has improved people’s lives in many important ways (see chart above). But as we see with environmental issues, that’s very much because people did a lot of careful and coordinated work to make sure that those issues got prioritized.

My own feelings about techno-optimism are warm, but nuanced. I believe in a future that is vastly brighter than the present thanks to radically transformative technology, and I believe in humans and humanity. I reject the mentality that the best we should try to do is to keep the world roughly the same as today but with less greed and more public healthcare. However, I think that not just magnitude but also direction matters. There are certain types of technology that much more reliably make the world better than other types of technology. There are certain types of technlogy that could, if developed, mitigate the negative impacts of other types of technology. The world over-indexes on some directions of tech development, and under-indexes on others. We need active human intention to choose the directions that we want, as the formula of “maximize profit” will not arrive at them automatically.

My techno-optimism

Recent-ish Books

A friend recently asked me via email what books I’ve been liking over the past few years, and I figured I’d copy/paste my answer here. Some of these I may have recommended before.

  • Gideon the Ninth and its sequels (three of four books are published) is a spectacular, extremely genre-bending (sci fi / fantasy / horror / queer fiction / mystery / etc), and very funny book that Charles Stross described as “Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted gothic palace in space! Decadent nobles vie to serve the deathless emperor! Skeletons!”
  • There’s an interesting (very long!) work, Project Lawful, which is — a bit hard to describe. It’s written collaboratively in the form of a web forum, and is sort of partway between a novel and a role-playing game. It’s about someone from an advanced society ending up in a D&D world, in a deeply evil country ruled by devils, and trying to work with them. Lots of BDSM although that’s skippable if you’d prefer. It’s by the same author as Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, and if you haven’t read that one before I’d probably start there unless the subject matter of the first one seems more appealing.
  • Children of Time (first of a trilogy) is sci fi, and one of the best books I’ve ever read at presenting aliens that aren’t just humans with funny foreheads but are truly alien…although they are based on kinds of animals you’re familiar with.
  • qntm is a mostly-online writer, kind of horrorish but often more like meta-horror, who I’ve been really into in the past year or so. His short stories are terrific (this is probably his best known), and my favorite book of his (also free online) is There is no Antimemetics Division, set in the massively collaborative alternate reality of the SCP Foundation.

‘Coin toss not so random after all, says groundbreaking study’

Badly titled — it’s still extremely random, it’s just (very slightly) biased. Interesting, though!

Researchers at the University of Amsterdam recently made a surprising discovery that challenges long-held assumptions about the randomness of coin tossing. After flipping coins over 350,000 times, the largest study of its kind, they found that coins have a slight tendency to land on the same side they started on.

The data showed a small but statistically significant same-side bias of 51%, just slightly higher than the 50% predicted by chance. This subtle yet remarkable finding defies the conventional wisdom that coin flips represent a random and unpredictable 50/50 outcome.

Coins of 46 different currencies were flipped by hand and caught in the palms of 48 student participants to record the landing side. The data collection process required meticulous recording over many months, with flipping sessions videotaped to validate the results.

Artificial General Intelligence Is Already Here

Ultimately ‘AGI’ is a pretty contested term, such that there’s no simple answer to where the threshold is. But I agree with Arcas and Norvig (Norvig in particular is a very careful thinker who I have great respect for) that by many definitions we’ve crossed that threshold, albeit just barely.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) means many different things to different people, but the most important parts of it have already been achieved by the current generation of advanced AI large language models such as ChatGPT, Bard, LLaMA and Claude. These “frontier models” have many flaws: They hallucinate scholarly citations and court cases, perpetuate biases from their training data and make simple arithmetic mistakes. Fixing every flaw (including those often exhibited by humans) would involve building an artificial superintelligence, which is a whole other project.

Nevertheless, today’s frontier models perform competently even on novel tasks they were not trained for, crossing a threshold that previous generations of AI and supervised deep learning systems never managed. Decades from now, they will be recognized as the first true examples of AGI, just as the 1945 ENIAC is now recognized as the first true general-purpose electronic computer.


Artificial General Intelligence Is Already Here